Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Da indeed this you without umolku tell!
Takuan shut eyes, as if being collected patience.
Pozvol' to me to explain. When Buddha was young, he sat under the tree Of bodkhi, and demonitsy tempted his day and night. It is completely natural that women it counts ischadiyem of evil, but, being immeasurably merciful, it in the end of the life nevertheless accepted several women into the number of its students.
Ot of wisdom or on the senile dementia?
to Ne of bogokhul'stvuy! it strictly stopped Takuan. do not forget, that the wise man Of nagardzhuna hated,I want to say, it feared women not less than Buddha. But also it rendered praise to four women: to obedient sister, who loves husband, grow prettier mother and to obedient servant. It did not get tired of praising their virtues and advised men to take them in wife.
Poslushnye sisters, the loving husbands, good mothers, obedient servants... Everything in order to please to men.
Vpolne is natural. In contrast to Japan, in ancient India men they read a little more than women. I would want so that you would heed to the advice Of nagardzhuny to women.
On he said: woman, as the satellite of life not man...


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Monday, February 26, 2007

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